Those long, straight or curly black serpentine threads like hairs are dear to almost everyone. However, every day with regular combing and using those harmful chemical-fed shampoos we tend to lose more than 100 to 200 hairs. Just not the use of harmful chemicals due to a number of diseases and illness that we suffer from and the irregular functioning of our digestive system we tend to lose hair.

It is also due to the hot climatic conditions in which we survive and consumption of spicy and sour food, alcohol, meats and caffeine. Even there are more other symptoms such as –

  • Nutritional or hormonal deficiencies
  • Diseases and disorders
  • Side effects of medication
  • Impairment of the hair follicles
  • High levels of stress
  • Imbalance in thyroid hormones

Ayurveda is able to believe in the deep relationship between your digestive health and the health of your hair. Therefore, when it comes to Ayurvedic treatment for hair loss, the experts prefer to take the road through your digestive health. As per the norms and conditions, pitta dosha makes our body suffer from hair loss. Pitta dosha can cause disruption in our metabolic processes. What Ayurveda does is find out treatment for the pitta dosha and get things into transition.